Village Beaches – Pinhole Photography of East Hampton, New York

3 years and 200 rolls of film later… my new book, Village Beaches has arrived. What I affectionately referred to as my “pandemic project,” is a photo series i shot during the summer of 2020. This completely analog, manual, medium format, pinhole, fine art, film series was my main creative outlet during the Covid summer. It really was a fulfilling way to dial back what has primarily become a digital medium, especially at a time when so many of us were looking for purpose and to connect with something (in this case, nature) beyond our screens. Currently available at many local book and home stores, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.



I don't update my blog as often as I should... but please check back for updates. Instagram has become the more preferred choice for media updates.



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For inquiries about print purchases, portrait sessions or other commission work, please use the contact page, call or text: 508.353.0504
